This is a very reliable and tougher-than-most red-leafed acer. It looks well in a pot or as a specimen plant.
This thrives best in a free draining soil. If you have clay soil, add some compost and grit to the soil to improve drainage. However it will cope better with heavier soils compared to some.
This acer can be pruned – new growth in June and older growth in September. Carefully does it though! This plant grows fast when it’s young and may put out an excessively long branch that needs pruning to keep a good shape.
This plant prefers a sheltered site and part shade but produces more vibrant red colours in sunnier sites.
The main enemies of this plant are a late spring frost, over or under-watering and scorcing by the wind.
Use the 'SEARCH THIS BLOG' function (right) or click here for more good plants and gardening tips: http://greenshootsgardeningandhorticulture.blogspot.com/
This acer can be pruned – new growth in June and older growth in September. Carefully does it though! This plant grows fast when it’s young and may put out an excessively long branch that needs pruning to keep a good shape.
This plant prefers a sheltered site and part shade but produces more vibrant red colours in sunnier sites.
The main enemies of this plant are a late spring frost, over or under-watering and scorcing by the wind.
Use the 'SEARCH THIS BLOG' function (right) or click here for more good plants and gardening tips: http://greenshootsgardeningandhorticulture.blogspot.com/