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Saturday 30 April 2011

Which garden fertilizer should I use?

There's a lot of confusion about which fertilizer to use. My advice is to use a general purpose fertilizer. Why? Because general purpose fertilizers contain a raft of nutrients including a balanced amount of the three main nutrients:
  1. Nitrogen (N) - for leafy growth

  2. Phospherous (P) - for root development

  3. Potassium (K) - for flowers and fruit production

I personally use formulated (inorganic) general purpose fertilizers. The equivalent organic general purpose fertilizer is blood, fish and bone mixes.

I personally use both slow release granules and soluble quick release formulated general purpose fertilizers.

However, if you are going to buy one fertilizer, I recommend buying a soluble quick release general purpose fertilizer for all your garden needs.

I also recommend always following the instructions on the fertilizer packaging.

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  1. I believe you could have done more for this post.You could have outline the difference between the quick release and the slow release.You could have explained why we should by them.The post is fair,but if you want more content,you should work harder on building up the details in the post.Thanks for the tips.
