The easiest hanging baskets to do are single variety ones. I often think hanging baskets with too many different plants look messy anyway. I do my hanging baskets in mid May.
You will need a cheap plastic 10-12 inch diameter hanging pot/ basket with only minimal drainage holes in it and no other holes, some compost, some multi-purpose fertilizer granules, some water retaining crystals and 3 to 4 of your favourite Surfinia plants. If you are unsure of which plant to buy, try Surfinia 'Purple Vein' or 'Hot Pink' (the one in the picture) and you will not be disappointed.
Put enough compost in a large bucket. Mix up a tablespoon of water retaining crystals with a pint of water, stir and once the water is absorbed by the crystals add the mix to the compost. Add a good shake of multi-purpose fertilizer granules to the compost. Use a trowel to evenly mix in the swollen crystals, compost and fertilizer together. Fill the hanging basket up to within 1/2 an inch of the top of the pot/ basket with the mixture. Plant your Surfinias. Hang it up.
Pinch out the growing tips every three to five inches as the plants grow. Water (lots so the the soil is completely saturated) every day in the morning and in the evening on warm days too. Feed it with a liquid multi-purpose feed every two to three weeks. Remove all partly faded flowers on a daily basis by pinching them off with your fingers.
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